Saturday, May 2, 2015

Oh you little baseball boy

We're so proud of you Bubba! Nice hit! You did so well today. You were ready for the ball and you hit twice! So proud of you Mr. Yummy!!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Baseball time

I'm so proud of my boy!! He made the only base hit on the team!! Two games in a row he's done it! I know it's those super long legs. He is mr zippy running to the bases! 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sultan Middle School Marching Band

Such a beautiful girl. Mia, I'm so proud of you. You were so coordinated and played so well! I love how dedicated you are to your flute playing and it makes me smile😍. You are top of the line!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Who wants to live forever......

I suppose I would, if my life would stop right this second and continue on only as it is now. I'm warm. My heart is happy. I've got four beautiful children who love me. There are smootches flowing freely in my house, some of them a little slobbery but still wonderful. My cup is half full and I am confident that it will never be empty.
Yes, If it could stay this way forever I think I might just want to live forever. Who wouldnt :)
The winds of change are blowing but Im confident that I can handle anything. Bring it on. Im going to smile and welcome the challenge because I have a strong foundation.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Shug's Surgery

Oh Sweet Sugary Goodness, finally after her second surgery is healing up and starting to feel better. Mia has been so good with her and a Big Shout out goes to SVS Seattle Veterinary Specialists for all their help! One more week and Shuggies cone of shame comes off and she will be frolicking around as good as new!
Oh, and she finished her dog trick class and earned her certificate! She is now qualified to bow, jump through hoops, put "paws on" objects, crawl, and kiss. All on command :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Super Sweet Son Bro

Arg Matey! I'm Capt'n Big Boy Son Bro!

My sailor boy....

Eye See You...

Sad little boy sitting all alone on hims pumpkin wearing his kitty hat :(

Rose colored goggles.

These are my favorite babies and some of my "Thavorite" pictures of them.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chellsea the Composer!

Chellsea loves those video games. Especially Final Fantasy. She in particular likes the background music that plays during the game. She likes it so much that she decided to write lyrics to the music THEN she thought she would find somebody to sing the lyrics and she sent me a copy of the finished product. You are so very tallented Miss Chellsea! I Love ya!