Saturday, February 13, 2010


The hardest thing I have ever done
The hardest thing I have ever done is to be a parent. I guess the fun part is over. I ran into some small issues with my oldest daughter and now it looks like we will be working through some slightly larger issues with the second oldest daughter. I know we will get through them. Not looking forward to all the energy and extra time I’m going to be putting into her but I am looking forward to the outcome. I am positive that we will all find out way through these next couple years and my second oldest will also turn out to be a wonderfully smart, well balanced adult. Bump bump bumpy roads ahead.
I am however sick and tired of other parents and their attitudes towards the choices I have and will continue to make for my children. I firmly believe that there are many different ways to parent your children. Who’s to say which way is the right way. Its really the end result that counts-not how you get there. Every parent will make many mistakes. Every mistake I’ve ever made concerning my children has been done with their best interest in mind. All you can do is admit the mistake and continue to try different ways to obtain the result you were originally looking for. I make a promise to each of my children. I will always do my best to help them each make smart choices. I will try my hardest to keep them from choosing the wrong path. I will never, never give up on them. No matter what the problem is I will always do what it takes. “Failure is not an option”. Children are not disposable. They are not dogs. You cannot ship them off when they test your patience. You can not trade them in.
If other parents do not agree with my parenting methods then they can kiss my ass. I am a strict parent and I demand respect from my children. I give back respect in return. I am a fair parent. I am generous and loving. I am affectionate. I set the bar high for my children to give them something to strive for. I am not their friend. I am their mother and teacher. I refuse to send my children into the world to learn by experience. I send my children out into the world with knowledge. I will do what it takes to save my child from hurting themselves by making ignorant choices. I will not be able to save them every time but I do my best to soften any hurt from them that I can.
I am praying for patience and asking my children to also have patience with me as I am still learning also. I am crossing my fingers and taking deep breathes. I am trying to act more and react less. I am hoping I can help my daughter find her inner value and learn how to respect herself more. I will be making choices in her near future that with alter her path in life and am so scared that I will make the wrong decisions. But I will do them with the best intentions.
Its so very hard to hear that your child hates you but I believe that the end will justify the means and hate is and emotion that can be turned. I love all my children forever.