Friday, July 8, 2011

Family Vacation on the Columbia

We did some fishing this year on Lake Roosevelt which is part of the Columbia River. Totally misleading to say that its a Lake when it clearly is not. Too me, a lake is a body of water that is cut off from the direct river. A rivers, a river, a lakes, a lake. DOH! We did however find some actual lakes such as Lake Ellen which was much much warmer than the Columbia so we were all able to swim and lay out on the dock. Two thumbs up for Lake Ellen. We never caught any fish that you could count. The measly little baby fish that Kevin caught certainly didnt count. It was almost as big as the worm he used to catch it. We saw tons of wildlife. Turkeys, deer, eagles, and bear!
We did alot of hiking to Lily Lake, Trout Lake, and Emerald Lake. These three are basically a chain of lakes that you can hike to from two different sides. You can drive up to Trout Lake then hike around to the middle lake which is Emerald. The trail really doesnt skirt the lake like you would think but instead takes you up on a very high ridge around all the lakes. Good exercises but rough on the legs muscles. Kettle Falls is almost a six hour car ride from where we live but certainly worth the drive. Beautiful Ponderosa Pine trees and lots of great things to do outside. We had perfect weather for our trip and lots of great sunshine. I cant wait for out trip to Arkansas in August. I hope theres lots of the same. Sunshine and lazy days. :)