Thursday, October 15, 2009

Princess Sweet Sugary Goodness

Welcome to the family Miss Princess Sweet Suagr Goodness. What a great addition. She is already crackin us all up with her squirl skin. She's been beatin up and draggin that thing all over the house and WOW is she smart. She's practically potty training herself. We got a bunch of the puppy potty pads and she is hitting them everytime! I've got a new red sweater that i've started knitting for her and we put a heating pad in her kennel. She really is a princess. The other day Chellsea packed her up in her purse and brought her to town to have lunch with me. Oh and tomorrow is her big Dr appt with Dr Wendt. She's getting all her shots and nasty worm medicine. Yuck! I guess its probably better than getting worms :(

Miss Mia is exspecially attadhed to her. She just cant seem to let her down. I'm surprised she hasnt pee'd on her yet. Mia wanted to call her Frolly cause she says she just frolicks all over the place. She really is quite jumpy and I would say frolicky also. Silly little Mia.

Sugars likes to climb up on Chellsea big ol boobies and snuggle down in between. Its like watching her hop on a water bed. Very funny to see.

Me and Brad both agree that she sounds like a chicken when she cackles at night. (She's lonely in her kennel) Havent heard her bark yet but I have a feeling that part is coming.

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