Sunday, November 29, 2009

Turkey Turkey Turkey!

We didnt get too many Thanksgiving pictures :( But we did have a great time! As always there was way too much food. Isnt there supposed to be too much food? I thought so! We ran just a little late getting to Grandmas house because Ditterbug took a particularly long nap. We were worried that one of us would have to stay home with him and not get to go but on Thursday he looked so much better. His nose really dried up and his cough was really good sounding (not that deep nasty). It was kind of funny not to see Amy at the house because all the kids were there. Not sayin it was a bad thing that she wasnt there, just kinda odd. I also missed my brother Kirk. I sure wish things were different with him. And Shelby. Thanksgiving is not quite as animated without Shelby. Maybe things will be different for Christmas. Mia's little friend Emily had her appendix out and Mia was very upset that Emily might die. I asked Mia what she thought might happen and she said, "The Dr will probably cut out her appendix, put it in a ziplock bag, and Certainly put it in the fridgerator". She's so funny. Maybe her family used in for Thanksgiving (Blah). Mia and Bubba are both sitting at the computer table playing a puzzle game. Bubba loves his sister so much. Sweet Sugary Goodness went to the Doctor yesterday and received her Rabies shot. Her poor shoulders hurt so bad and the medicine mad her really tired. I put her on the heating pad for awhile and this morning she is feeling much better. Getting tired of sick dogs and sick children. I
, making Mia's Lime Green had to match her coat. It has a new stitch it in that I've never done before called a butterfly stitch. Its really not a hard stitch to do but I couldn't find any directions on the Internet and it took me forever to get a fellow knitter on a forum to finally respond to my plea for help. Was very frustrating but finally I got it and now her hat is under way. I decided to add yellow to the hat mostly because I don't have enough green to finish it but I'm thinking that the yellow is going to do just fine! and Mia has decided that she likes the yellow also. Very interesting hat. I will post pictures when I am done :) Thanks mom for all the good eats! Was a great day and we all appreciate the hard work in the kitchen :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

My husband surprised me with a weekend getaway to Whidbey Island. We took the ferry over to the Island and stayed at a little resort on the water called Captain Whidbey’s. We ate a wonderful meal at the lodge restaurant. I had a lamb shank?! When they brought it out it was this huge piece of meat attached to a huge bone and I started laughing saying it reminded me of the Flintstones or maybe a caveman meal. Made me want to pick it up by the bone and start gnawing on it. Then there was this guy behind us that had one of those funny sounding things that you hold up to your throat so people can hear you talk that makes you sound like Darth Vader. Of course this also made me snicker through the whole meal. On Saturday we took another ferry over to Port Townsend and on the way I was watching the water and thought I saw a shark fin. I got all excited and started pointing and saying "Look, Look" and then at the last minute I thought-That cant be a shark, I can’t yell shark or everyone will think I'm an idiot. So instead I yell "Look, Look, Things! Theres THINGS in the water!" Oh I am such a retard. Things in the water? why would I think that would sound better than "shark". Uhhh! They were sea lions and they were huge. They reminded me of army slugs. Long and kinda slimy looking. Port Townsend was very cool. We walked around and checked out a bunch of shops. Got the girls some gifts and visited an antique mall. Sunday we went to Deception Pass and took some really great pictures of the water and the bridge (which was very scary to cross). and a seagull pooped on our windshield-gross! Then right before we checked out to leave the lodge my husband say’s “look under the stairs” There was a family of otters all curled up underneath the steps of the deck in the back leading to the water. I think that they must have made a home under there. They were very cute. So we saw an awful lot of wildlife and had a great weekend. Oh on the way back we stopped at a super nice thrift store and my husband got a boat prop and I got a bunch of yarn and some knitting needles (lots of goodies) it was like Christmas 2nd hand Yeah!