Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mia's 2009 Christmas Recital

Just got back from Mia's Christmas recital. This year it was held at Cascade Community Church in Monroe. I really liked having it at that spot because it was so much closer than having to drive to Bothell and also this year they didnt have so many of the adults preforming so it more for just the children which is who I would rather watch. Again this year Mia was put in the back row and it was really hard to get a good picture of her or even just watch her becasue we couldnt see her. I think this is about three years now and this time I am saying something to the ballet teacher. I think I'll just shoot her an email. We also took Sweet Sugary Goodness to the vet forher very last vaccination. She's feeling pretty rough right now cause her shoulders are sore. I've got her laying on a heat pad right now cause I think that might help. I've been thinking about enrolling her in a obediance class also. I want her to be very well behaved and trained. Probably cost too much but just a thought. Tomorrow is the Rockette show and Chellsea's friend Kathleen will be comming to watch Bubba while we go. Maybe next year we can take him with. Worked out this morning also. I've been running 4 miles each time I go and lately I found that its getting easier and easier to do the 4 miles so this morning I raised the incline even more and upped the speed. I ended up burning almost 500 calories and ran 4.5 miles. Hope this is gonna help shrink my tummy :)

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