Saturday, June 4, 2011

It was a beautiful day!

What a beautiful day today was. Super sunny and super warm. The whole family spent the day outside enjoying the warmth. We mowed the lawn and trimmed up the yard. I love our yard and i love the smell of the dirt when your weeding. Fresh cut grass and earth. Nice. Mia made a nice little picnic for us out in the lawn in the shade. Shuggie took a moment today to roll in some neighbor dog's poop. Great, Shuggie. That's just nasty. Bath time.
We had running races in the yard between Mia, Bubba, and Shuggies. Wonder who won? I gotta say that Mia was a close second to Shuggie. Mark, Set, GO!
Scraps caught a mole today and left it in the grass for me of course I didn't see it until I durn near ran it over with the lawn mower. Nasty.
It was such a great day that even Bubba commented and said, "I like today". Well, you know what Bubba? I like today too! I'm glad your my boy and I enjoyed our day together. I hope tomorrow is just as great. Thank you Mia, Bubba, and Chellsea. Cant wait to lay out in the sun tomorrow and do another BBQ. Yeah for Sunshine!

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