Sunday, April 10, 2011

2011 Whidbey Island Marathon

Me and my friend Deb stayed the night in Whidbey Island so we could get up early and prepare for the Whidbey Island Marathon. It was supposed to rain that day but we lucked out with NO rain. Renee and Stacey Lane met us that morning for the run. Sorry you couldnt run cause of your hip Phylangy :( but you got some really great pictures of the run! As usual the first mile was hard. Mile 2-7 werent too bad but when I hit mile 8 I really started feeling it in my legs. I kept telling myself that if I just could get to mile 10 the rest would blow by real quick. I always think of "she who shall not be named" when I run. I cant help it. It just kind of creeps up into my head. I run without seeing anything around me. Sometimes I just run and follow the white line on the side of the road and I think. I wonder how did I get where I am and I think of the things I should have done differently in my life. Then I think...what good is it to look back and try to figure out what you did wrong when you cant pass that information on to anyone cause they wont take your advice and you cant go back an change anything. It is what it is but still I think about these things.
When I get to the 10th mile my legs are really hurting. My left knee is hurting with every step and my right leg muscle above my knee is tighting up every time my legs hits pavement. I change my pace. Longer steps. Feels alittle better, not much. Im not going to walk. Im not gonna do it. I'm running this race to the finishline and I make it! Done deal. I did it! Whens the next run?!

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