Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day

Its been a rainy rainy mothers day. I wasnt able to get out to work on the deck so we spent Mothers Day inside. After a super yummy breakfast of bacon, eggs, potatoes, and fresh strawberries (I used my new fry pans-Thx MAKKA) Mia and Bubba made a super cool camping trip on the bottom bunk of there beds. There were tropical trees and sleeping bags (even Shuggies had one) and Mia was so funny with her binoculars. She is the best big sister ever. I love how she doesnt mind to play with her Bubba. She doesnt complain about him. She loves her Bubba. She has such an imagination and he justs lets her do whatever she wants. Usually she will make Movie watching areas for them both with special seats made out of laundry baskets or tupperware bins and blankets. She'll make nice little snacky plates for them to eat while they watch movies. We also dressed Bubba up in his "Risky Business" outfit and he was such a ham. He just danced away with his dark sunglasses on. Chellsea sang me a great song in Japenese and Mia made me a super nice activity box. But Bubba gave me the best gift today. He was just super lovely and yummy. He craweled up into my lap and let me rock him in the same rocking chair that I rocked 3 of my babies when they were little. I remember how beautiful Chellsea was when she was a baby. Definetly my most beautiful baby. Mia was my sweetest. She has the biggest heart and Bubba, hmm...well Bubba, I guess you could say he's my most challenging so far and I havent yet figured out his best trait :)
We had homemade spagetti for dinner with cornbread and now everybody's showered and ready for the sack. Time for movies-Yup, its been a great Mothers Day.

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