Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Getting everything ready for surgery on Friday. Had my pre-op appointment today and met with the doctor who was very interesting. I guess he was in Iraq for a couple years preforming facial surgeries on soldiers and then when he came back to the United States he continued to work on soldiers until he decided to open his own practice. Turned in all my prescriptions, started taking my antibiotics, and purchased the other "necessities". Chellsea's gonna drive and drop me off in the morning and my bosses wife is going to pick me up afterwards and take me to her house for the first 24hours. I've got my travel home outfit laid out and I'm ready to go. I'm crossing my fingers that this goes the way I planned.
Bubba and Chellsea went to Mukilteo beach today and checked out the sea anemones, crabs, and Seagulls. Funny, little Boy called seagulls "Monster Birds". I think Miss Chellsea had a good time also. She came home with her Beach Finds. I love you Chell's. I love you because even when you do wrong you do it with the biggest and best intentions.

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