Sunday, September 18, 2011

Big Boy Bubba Son Bro

Bubba started preschool and at the age of four has finally become manageable. Cry baby, temper tantrum throwin, mean boy is gone and I am so pleased with the boy who had replaced him. I love to see my Bubba run because he swaggers his head back and forth as he goes. He holds a great conversation now and has changed his name to "Big Boy Bubba Son Bro".  Both Mia and Bubba have been fishing up a storm and I'm not sure about Mia but Bubba is definitely hooked. Oh and we found out that Bubba is allergic to the elastic in socks so we have been purchasing hand knit socks from a lady off the Internet and I've started learning how to knit him socks also. His ankles look so much better now. They were terrible swollen, bumpy, itchy, poor baby big boy!
Chellsea had finished up her testing and was diagnosed with ADHD-the inattentive type, which is a sub type of ADD. We have contacted a couple of people to inquire about life coaching possibilities and continue to try to keep her in college. She qualifies now for something called a 504 program at the college that will help her out by accommodating her needs while enrolled. We opted not to start her out on medication because of her Syringomielia. Come on Chellsea we know you can do it!
I made a super big batch of Jalapeno Jelly, canned a batch of fresh green beans, and jarred up some fresh strawberry jam. On Monday I'm mailing out a jar to my friend Randy and Alysa cause I love 'em. Might send some out to Kathy in Little Rock along with a care package.
Its just about time to start thinking about Christmas and I'm thinking that I should make maybe one more trip to visit the girls in Arkansas. I got some super sweet things knitting up for them on the needles but that trip would depend on air fair prices. Shuggies?! You wanna go?!
My friend Mary Lou's having a big birthday blowout with a trip to Cabo on a cruise ship. I'm thinking I might be able to go. Never been on a cruise ship before and you know I'm a little bit worried about the sea sickness thing but I might just prepare myself with some pills. Sure would like to go on a cruise but I would hate to spend it feeling sick the entire time also. I've still got time to think about it.
Sorry to see summer wrapping up. Makes me sad. I guess I'll try to keep myself busy though out the winter and maybe it will fly by. Each wet year that goes by makes me hate the weather more and more.

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