Sunday, July 5, 2009

On The Hunt For The Best Grandma Ever

I want to take just a minute to thank my Mother in Law for helping out at my house while I was gone. It always feels really nice to not have to worry about my babies while I'm gone and they all always have such a great time. My Ditterbug really connected with her during this last visit she made. Him luv's his Mutti. Miss Mia lives for Mutti visits. I know its hard taking care of all those babies. They maybe cute and cuddly but they still poop! They've all had such a great summer so far. and finally it didnt snow while she was up visitiing. oh and I'm not sure if someone taught, couched, or bribed my boy while I was gone, but when I got back he started calling me Mommy! (Sheesh) so stinking cute. And he calls popcyles-Mopolies. Did you do that Miss Mutti? Thank you so nice! So hats off and put your hands together for super Grandma, super Mutti! Yeah!

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