Thursday, July 2, 2009

The End, of the beginning

The end of the begininning of my vacation. Just going to enjoy my lovelies (children) for the last couple days then its back to the same old same old all over again. I'm going to try my hardest to not to slide back into that dreary nasty same old of 40 plus hours of work. I'm in at 8 and out at 5. Well, I'm going to try my hardest anyway. It doesnt make for a very pleasant home life when you get so worne out from running around all day at work then having to come home and try to enjoy my family. Their tired, I'm tired. Geez. I'm posting the last of my va-ca pic's also if your interested. My tomatoes are just doing great! Unbelivable. I am the plant killer and this year it looks like my luck has changed. I've already got lots of little green maters and there everywhere! I will of course share the wealth with my homies. Its been so nice and warm lately. I'm feeling like I'm finally waking up after hybernating all winter. Not sure if its the vitamin D or what. Oh and I am serious when I say that someone is going to have to die soon if we dont get together and knit! People better call me. I have needles, I will use them.

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