Thursday, May 14, 2009

How Blonde Am I ?!?

OMG How blonde am I? This Jungle Blanket is going to definately let me know. So I start knitting the damned thing and I get to the 4th row and I'm all confused with the pattern. 5 round kneedles and the stiches arent comming out to the right count. Intarsia? Not getting it. WHat an I doing wrong?
Hang on cause the blond parts commin'.
So I'm thinking, I'll just photo copy the pages off and tape 'em together. Derrrrrr that didnt work to well. But of course I dont figure that out till I've waisted a couple hours on it. Little tiny squares, all taped together. Spread out all over my kitchen table. Snapin at my little lovely children. Skipping through dinner just to get it done. Never mind that it cant BE done. Grrrrrr
k, now I'm thinking that I'll just open up an excel spread sheet and map out my OWN colors and my OWN pattern and I might even add monkeys to my Whinkey. Will this work? Stay tuned!

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