Sunday, May 17, 2009

My "mater" Garden

I planted tomatoes this weekend. I had bought all these seeds awhile ago and planted them but they are so skinny that I dont know if they will actually make it. So I went out and bought 4 more really hardy looking mater plants from the feed store. Brad built a great box for me to plant them all in and I'm hoping that the skinny ones-at least some of them will make it. I also planted 4 corn plants that Chellsea had given me for mothers day and 4 pumkins plants that Mia had given me. i love plants for mothers day. Dont you? So it was a perfect day to get them in the ground. Nice and sunny and warm. ahhhhh.

Fallon had a slumber party on Saturday that went fairly well. All except when I dropped her off Brads truck wouldnt start back up and I had to resort to asking some weirdo guys on the block for a jump start. YEeeesh! I hate that when that happens! Time to get a new battery for the truck Mr. Brad! I hauled at the dirt and the poop for the tomatoes boxes and unloaded it all myself with the wheel barrow. Stinky stinky job. But the end result is very nice.

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