Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tiny Dancer

Wow we sure have been busy lately with the recitals, Haven't we? First a violin recital than a dance recital. Maybe we will have a guitar recital also! Come on Fallon lets get that guitar going! Saturday Mia had her recital at the Everett High school Auditorium. They really have a nice place for recitals. There were alot of people who showed up and tons of dancers everywhere. Mia danced to Disneys, The Little Mermaid, Part of your World. I'm telling you what-That girl has got long skinny little legs, perfect for dancing because she did such a great job. She gets more graceful the older she gets. Very beautiful. But why do they keep putting my beautiful girl in the back to dance every year? I thought maybe it was because she was one of the tallest, but there were other girls taller than her up closer. How do you tell the teacher that you think YOUR child had been put in the back for too long? Dont want to be THAT kind of parent but I certainly would like to see her better at least every couple of recitals. Its really hard to see her with that many kids on stage when she's in the back. Hmm maybe I'll just suck it up again till next year and hope she gets a move up in the ranks.

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